Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. (Winston Churchill).

Our lives are greatly affected by what we know, as that knowledge helps us to make decisions. We are also affected by how we feel, our attitude. Attitude focuses on our emotions and how we feel about something determines our attitude and our response to the situation. Simply, our perspective, values, and emotions shape our attitude. Our emotions and thoughts help to encourage us toward our future of fortune, or possibly failure, and with an attitude adjustment can lead to a learning opportunity. You see, with the right attitude you can move mountains, have resilience, and achieve your goals. With the wrong attitude you encounter the feeling of defeat and can easily be crushed and give up on your goals.

The right attitude is one of the fundamentals of a good life. Being positive, finding the learning opportunity in failure, and taking a proactive approach and not a victim stance is what creates a positive attitude. The exciting thing is that everyone has the mental, spiritual, intellectual and creative power to do all that you could ever dream of. Achieving your goals is a reality within your grasp. You just need to become more aware of your skill set and to build the skills that require you to reach your goal. As a teenager, it is all about attitude and the desire to learn and grow your potential to be the best version of yourself as you go forward and be the change you want to be in the world.

What stops you from recognizing your inherent gifts and talents is a poor attitude about yourselves. We are quick to see the value in others. Have you not caught yourself saying someone is better at math than you, or better at football. But what if you changed that, I still think we should encourage and bolster other people, but what about recognizing the talents and gifts that you have. It is not about race or competition, it is about recognizing that everyone is unique and individual and has something to offer and give to make the world a better place.

How we see ourselves is a matter of choice. Each of us is unique and one of a kind. You are incredibly special. You are the only one who does what you do. You make the world a better place because you are in it. I challenge you to acknowledge and become aware of your own uniqueness. If you truly know yourself, your strengths, abilities, resources, depth of feelings or unique accomplishments, you would never doubt your ability to create a better future for yourself and the world at large. This is all focused on having a positive, can-do attitude about you and your gifts. It is a mindset and a mindshift that you as a teenager must consciously make everyday.

Changing how anyone feels about themselves begins with developing a new outlook on the value of each and every human being, including yourself. Self-knowledge is gained by examining your perspective, values, creating a personal mission statement and goals. This knowledge allows you to know yourself better and as you understand who you are you begin to make better choices and decisions for yourself. As your choices improve, so will your results and your attitude. You control your destiny by adjusting your attitude. Growth will occur, and goals will be achieved. These positive results will increase our desire to do better and be better.

No other person on Earth has control over your attitude, unless you voluntarily surrender that control to them. People can affect your attitude by teaching you poor thinking skills, often encouraging you to blame others and not take responsibility for your actions, or helping you to establish bad habits or being a negative influence in your life. Will it always be easy? Absolutely not!

Here is a powerful thought. No one “makes you angry.” You become angry when you realize that you have given up control of your attitude, that someone has put your attitude to the test and you may have become frustrated, angry, or suspicious of someone you trusted. You cannot be angry with yourself. What you need to do is acknowledge that you gave up control of your attitude and take back your attitude and your response to that individual. It is important to accept responsibility for your feelings and take precautions to avoid those that can change your attitude and lead you down a wrong path. Focus on those feelings that bolster your self-confidence, reinforce your strengths, and lead you towards your goals and the success you want in your future.

Your attitude is an invaluable asset that deserves to be protected and nurtured. By maintaining a positive attitude, you can shape the way you perceive and respond to life’s challenges. This positivity not only helps in navigating difficult situations but also fosters a mindset geared towards growth and success. As you stay focused on your personal mission statement and the goals you aim to achieve in your life, a positive attitude will serve as a foundation for your actions and decisions. The benefits of cultivating a positive attitude are far-reaching, impacting your relationships, academic or professional pursuits, and overall well-being. By investing in your attitude, you’re setting yourself up for a future filled with resilience, motivation, and fulfillment.