Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary.
– Jim Rohn
At times my blog is just a reflection of my own personal thoughts and sharing my personal growth in my quest to be the best version of myself. I know that is a lifelong journey as I continue to grow and learn. With that in mind I wanted to share a few books and authors that I enjoy reading. I have a few all time favorite books that I can read over and over.
I have read numerous self-help books, and the one I often refer back to when coaching or parenting our daughters is; Covey, S. (1994) The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change. DC Books (Publisher). The foundation of this book is that it is our character that needs to be worked on; change must be from the inside out to create success. Covey feels that this is done through his 7 principles which he discusses and shares how to incorporate into our daily living. Covey claims that these principles are self-evident and endure in most religious, social, and ethical systems. He believes that when you value the correct principles, you see reality as it truly is. One of his famous quotes is to “begin with the end in mind”. Great reading and challenging to learn and implement.
Another self-help book, a little more recent, is by; Clear, J. (2018) Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones. Penguin Random House (Publisher). This book shares practical and easy-to-implement ways to change habits. To create new pathways to encourage and develop the habits that will help you to achieve your goals and create success. The focus is on changing one small part of your routine and that changes your routine, making bad habits not so enjoyable while focusing on building good habits that support your goals and create the success you want to have. The book is filled with stories and breaks down the steps and creates challenges for each of us to create good habits and to walk into the future we want for ourselves.
Fun books and who does not like a good mystery. I enjoy the Pendergast series by the two authors D. Preston and L. Child. The novels follow a quirky detective and his assistant as they chase down clues and catch the bad guy. The mystery and the uncovering of clues helps to keep the story moving and me guessing on who the guilty party may be. It is a great escape series that I enjoy reading.
The last book I will share, since I have so many, is; Sloan. R. (2013) Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore. Picador usa (Publisher). It is a story of a strange bookstore set in San Francisco. The story’s main character is Clay, a young man in his early 20’s who feels like everyone around him has got their life together, except him. Clay lands a job at Mr. Penumbra’s 24 hour bookstore where his job is to serve the eclectic customers and write down every exact detail of the encounter. It is an easy read.
Please feel free to share what you are reading and I am always reading something new and would love to read a book recommended by you.