It takes a village to raise a child. (Nigerian Proverb).
– Desiree Panlilio
This month our focus was on the three reasons a teen life coach is an important resource for teens. Teenagers are dynamic individuals, faced with physiological changes, psychological changes. and the ever-fluid teenage world. It is the time in their life where they are confronted and often confused as to what the expectations and future holds. A life coach “walks” beside the teenager and provides encouragement, and asks the right questions to help the teenager design their own success.
By providing the correct organizational tools and teaching and developing the skills teenagers need, a life coach helps the teenager grow in autonomy, helping them to develop their own goals and personal choices. You will see growth in competence as they gain confidence in their abilities and understand their principles and personal mission statement. This helps to build intrinsic motivation and purpose as they focus on their goals. With this new purpose and empowerment the teenager is able to envision their future and the life coach will have provided the encouragement and accountability to see this growth in the teenager.
Creating goals is central to creating success. It is often shared that you are either working toward your own goals or helping others achieve their goals. It is important for your teen to learn the framework of writing SMART goals and then holding themselves accountable to achieving the goal. Writing goals is often a new skill and requires the teaching of the skill and oversight until the motivation is a habit and your teen is creating their success. A teen life coach is a great resource for this skill and for helping parents. Having a teen life coach to check in on goal achievement allows for the parent to enjoy parenting and not provide all the oversight but instead have a team member that helps your teen navigate this process.
Lastly, maximizing your teen’s potential. Who does not want to see their teen work toward achieving their goals, developing their strengths, and having a growth mindset? It is by having your teen develop and learn the necessary skills and being goal oriented that they will maximize their potential. As parents we need to further encourage our teens’ potential by listening, questioning with curiosity, and facilitating risk-taking with a safety net. All of this builds confidence and your teen gains valuable growth and insight into their capabilities. Your teen will have the confidence and skills to change their sphere of the world.
Never criticize, always encourage.