Fall seven times, stand up eight. (Japanese Proverb).

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from challenges and setbacks. It’s about teaching our teens to persevere in the face of adversity, to learn from their experiences, and to keep moving forward. Developing resilience helps our teens build the strength and flexibility needed to navigate life’s inevitable ups and downs with grace and fortitude. As parents, we often shy away from allowing our teens to build resilience. Why do we do that? Well, resilience is the characteristic we build when things are not going our way, or when we encounter a hurdle (some may call these failures) that blocks us from achieving the outcome we desired. As parents, we often try to bridge those hurdles for our teens, when in fact, we should be allowing them to experience the hurdle and the outcome. This way, they build resilience and work harder to achieve the success they want.

Our instinct as parents is to protect our children from pain and hardship. We want to see them succeed and avoid the disappointments and struggles we may have faced. This protective instinct, while well-intentioned, can sometimes hinder our teens’ development of resilience. When we swoop in to fix their problems or smooth out their paths, we inadvertently send the message that they are not capable of handling difficulties on their own. This can undermine their confidence and rob them of the valuable lessons that come from facing and overcoming challenges.

Allowing our teens to encounter and navigate obstacles is essential for their growth. These experiences teach them problem-solving skills, help them develop a sense of agency, and foster a mindset that views setbacks as opportunities for learning rather than insurmountable failures. When our teens face adversity, they learn to adapt, to think creatively, and to find new ways to reach their goals. This process is critical for building the mental toughness and emotional resilience that will serve them well throughout their lives. We can all agree that in the adult world resilience is a necessary characteristic to have.

It’s important to remember that resilience isn’t about avoiding failure; it’s about developing the capacity to recover from it. When our teens stumble, our role as parents should be to support and guide them, not to remove the obstacles from their path. We can help them reflect on what went wrong, encourage them to consider different strategies, and reinforce the idea that setbacks are a natural part of any journey toward success. By doing this, we empower them to take ownership of their challenges and to persist despite difficulties.

As parents, it can be painful to watch our teens struggle, but it’s crucial to resist the urge to intervene too quickly. Instead, we should provide a safe and supportive environment where they feel comfortable taking risks and making mistakes. This means being there to offer encouragement and empathy, but also stepping back enough to let them find their own solutions. When our teens know that we believe in their ability to overcome obstacles, they are more likely to develop the confidence and resilience they need to navigate life’s challenges.

Resilience is not an innate trait; it’s a skill that can be developed and strengthened over time. Each time our teens face a hurdle and manage to overcome it, they build a little more resilience. This cumulative process helps them develop a resilient mindset, characterized by perseverance, optimism, and a willingness to learn from their experiences. It’s a mindset that will serve them well not just in their teenage years, but throughout their adult lives.

Moreover, the process of building resilience helps teens develop a realistic understanding of success and failure. They come to see that success is not a linear path, but one that is often marked by twists, turns, and occasional setbacks. This understanding can help them maintain their motivation and keep striving towards their goals, even when the going gets tough. It teaches them that failure is not the end, but a stepping stone to future success.

Encouraging resilience in our teens also means helping them develop healthy coping mechanisms. This might involve teaching them relaxation techniques, encouraging them to maintain a balanced lifestyle, and helping them find constructive ways to deal with stress. When our teens have a toolkit of coping strategies, they are better equipped to handle the pressures and challenges that come their way. This, in turn, contributes to their overall resilience.

Another important aspect of fostering resilience is helping our teens build strong, supportive relationships. Positive relationships with family, friends, and mentors provide a network of support that can be crucial during times of stress or difficulty. These relationships offer emotional support, practical assistance, and a sense of belonging, all of which can help our teens bounce back from setbacks. Encouraging our teens to reach out for support when they need it, and to offer support to others in return, helps them understand the importance of community and connectedness.

As our teens grow and become more independent, it’s natural for them to seek validation and acceptance from their peers. However, this does not diminish the importance of our role as parents. In fact, it makes our presence and guidance even more crucial. We need to balance giving our teens the space they need to explore their independence with being a consistent source of support and wisdom. This balance helps them feel secure in their ability to handle challenges, knowing that we are always there for them if they need us.

While it can be difficult to watch our teens face hardships, it is essential for the development of their resilience. By allowing them to experience and navigate hurdles, we help them build the skills and mindset necessary for overcoming adversity. As parents, our role is to support and guide our teens, providing a safe and encouraging environment that fosters their growth. Resilience is not just about bouncing back; it’s about growing stronger and more capable with each challenge faced. By nurturing resilience in our teens, we prepare them to face the future with confidence and determination.