Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.(Benjamin Franklin). As we embark on a new year, this is a prime opportunity to reflect on the support system our teenagers need to thrive in the second half of the school year. In the...
The best way to keep children at home is to make the home atmosphere pleasant, and let the air out of the tires. (Dorothy Parker). As parents, we’re not just caretakers; we’re shapers of future...
T’was the night before my child became a teen,And all through the house, not a creature was sleeping, not even a screen.The gadgets were charged, the excitement was high,In hopes that the teen years would soon come by. The pre-teen was nestled all snug in their...
My kid is turning out just like me. Well played, karma. Well-played. (Anonymous). Consider this: you’re not just a parent. You’re a mentor, a coach, a role model. Your actions, your words, and your values imprint upon your teen’s...
We are our teen’s most influential role model. Never discount how important you are. (Desiree Panlilio). As parents, we may not always witness the immediate...
Be careful with your words. They can only be forgiven, not forgotten. (Unkown). In the world of parenting teenagers, eye-rolls and confident proclamations of “I know everything” can sometimes leave us feeling defeated. The turbulent...