Failure is an Event, Not a Person.

Failure is an Event, Not a Person.

Always remember that failure is an event, not a person. ( Zig Ziglar)   Everyone fails at something some time. But for teenagers, a failure can turn a single event such as getting a F on an algebra test or not making the sports team into something that defines...
Failure is an Event, Not a Person.

Fear of Failure.

I’ve probably earned the right to screw up a few times. I don’t want the fear of failure to stop me from doing what I really care about.        (Emma Watson) Is the intent to normalize failure something that is both necessary and vital to success? Our teens need to...
Failure is an Event, Not a Person.

Failure Teaches you What you Need to Know.

Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm. (Winston Churchill) Often failure teaches you what you need to know. Teenagers are in the state of constant learning, from academics, to social expectations, to the changes of their being,...
Failure is an Event, Not a Person.

Failing a Necessity for Growth.

Failure is not the opposite of success, it’s part of success.              (Arianna Huffington)   We have all bought the lie that there is no room for today’s teen to fail academically, socially, and athletically, and that in fact any form of failure is a great...
Teen Friendship, How to Help?

Teen Friendship, How to Help?

Never dull your shine for somebody else. (Tyra Banks).   We want our teens to have meaningful and healthy relationships both in personal and professional settings throughout their lives. As parents we prepare them for this when we are loving, supportive, and have...
Teen Friendship, How to Help?

The Untold Secret of Building Trust.

Trust each other again and again, that is what parenting is about. (Desiree Panlilio). Take a moment and ask yourself, “What is trust? How does my teen earn my trust?” Equally important is, ”How do I earn trust with my teen?” Trust is having confidence, faith, or hope...