Return After Hiatus

Return After Hiatus

We must always change, renew, rejuvenate ourselves; otherwise we harden.                – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe         Over the last few months I took time off from writing my blog posts. I certainly had a lot of information I wanted to share, but more...
Return After Hiatus

Learning From One Another

As a parent, I often gather my thoughts at the end of the day and decide, “Was this a good day or a great day?” As a parent, what did I do well and well what should I have not done or said and how will I do better tomorrow. I have to say from our first child to our...
Return After Hiatus

Charting The Path To Success Begins By Self Discovery

“Be helpful, not a handful.” I am not sure who owns that quote, but I picked it up and have said it to my girls over and over throughout the years when they were off to visit a friend’s house. I am sure it was incredibly annoying. But as any parent knows, I can hardly...
Return After Hiatus

Success Is There For You To Take

Success is there for you to take. You have to go after it. No one is going to walk up to you and hand you the key. I started a company, blog, and courses focusing on encouraging teens and helping parents to build a stronger relationship with their teen.  What...