The Jigsaw of Traditions: How Holiday Rituals Keep Us Grounded.

The Jigsaw of Traditions: How Holiday Rituals Keep Us Grounded.

Traditions keep us grounded. They also make us miss home.                  (Desiree Panlilio).   As November wraps up and December takes center stage, my mind often meanders through the whirlwind of holiday preparations. I find myself contemplating the delightful...
The Jigsaw of Traditions: How Holiday Rituals Keep Us Grounded.

The Study Schedule Secret: A Roadmap to Exam Success.

I don’t always study. But when I do, I make sure my parents see me.                (Sallie Smith).   Exams. Just hearing the word can send a shiver down the spine of even the most confident student. The pressure, the stress, the late-night cramming sessions...
Navigating Social Media: A Parent’s Role Model Journey.

Navigating Social Media: A Parent’s Role Model Journey.

As a parent, you are the most influential role model for your children. (Desiree Panlilio)   As parents, we stand as the most influential role models in our teens’ lives. Every word we utter, every action we take, they watch, absorb, and mirror. This...
Navigating Social Media: A Parent’s Role Model Journey.

Navigating the Social Media Seas with Your Teen.

We are our teens’ biggest role models. We shape their behavior and how they interact with their environment. (Desiree Panlilio)   In the digital age, discussing social media with your teen is more than just reminding them about internet safety. It’s about...