It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. (E.E. Cummings). As a life coach, I often receive calls from parents who are struggling with their teenage childrens’ behavior. It’s natural for parents to expect their kids to...
Trust is like a vase…once it is broken, though you can fix it, the vase will never be the same. (Walter Anderson). – Desiree Panlilio Trust is having confidence, faith, or hope in an individual. It is believing they will follow through on what they have said...
All the food, and then some more food. – Desiree Panlilio I’m gratified that with all the holiday excitement you have found a quiet place to read our blog and reflect on the thoughts I am sharing today. Today I want to focus on the many challenges our teenagers face...
Being a role model is a privilege. (Allyson Felix) – Desiree Panlilio Role models are great examples for your teenager to look up to and aspire to be. Everyone needs a positive role model. Role models provide a vision, living proof, for who your teenager aspires to...
Helpful not a handful. (Desiree Panlilio) – Desiree Panlilio “Be helpful, not a handful.” I am not sure who owns that quote, but I picked it up and have said it to my girls over and over throughout the years when they were off to visit a friend’s house. I am sure it...
Take a moment – was it a good day, or a bad day? (Desiree Panlilio) – Desiree Panlilio As a parent, I often gather my thoughts at the end of the day and decide, “Was this a good day or a great day?” As a parent, what did I do well and well, what should I have...